
Rough Notes X

  • Muslims say that Islam is not the "religion of peace", when questioned about offensive Jihad: https://old.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/1dsr0wz/is_islam_the_religion_of_peace/

  • Mohammed, the role model of Muslims married a 6 year old girl (from Hadiths)

  • He consummated the marriage when she was 9 (from Hadiths)
  • Her dolls were with her because she hadn't menstruated when she was 9 (from Hadiths)

  • Tafsir (IK) (I guess Iddah for pre-pubescent women, and Jihad)

  • Something from Fiqh (varies by Madhhabs)

  • Husbands can hit their wives, so long as it's not on the face and if it doesn't leave marks

  • Women are the worst trial for men
  • Seeing women and donkeys disrupt prayer
  • Mohammed said one should pray for the good in your wives and for protection from the evil in her
  • A woman approaches and leaves like the devil, so if a woman tempts you, you should have sex with your wife

  • Women should not deny sex to their husbands, even on a camel saddle

  • Mohammed gave permission to beat women and said those who complain are not the best of women
  • A man should not be asked why he beats his wife
  • Wives should prostrate before their husbands

  • Don't take non-Muslims as allies

  • Many insults towards non-Muslims

  • Celibacy is forbidden

  • Those who free a Muslim slave will be rewarded

  • Women are like animals (from Tafsir of Quran by Al-Qurtubi)

  • If a woman commits open indecency, one can lock her up in a room and beat her (from The History of Al-Tabari)
  • Treat women well because they are like domestic animals and don't own anything (from The History of Al-Tabari)

  • An enlightened man killed a boy fearing that he might become an atheist in the future (from Quran)

  • Homosexuals are to be killed (as per Hadiths)
  • Effeminate men

  • Children of slave women remain slaves

  • After killing men in Jihad, the women and children can be taken captive, and sex is permissible with them

  • The marriages of captive women are annulled even if their polytheist husbands are alive

  • Slave women cannot be profited from by prostitution, but they can be shared among family members for sex

  • Scholarly opinion based on how the hadith only denies profiting from slaves, so sharing her with family members is allowed

  • The slave woman who is the wife of slave can be taken by the husband (I think from the 4 pages I opened)

  • Mohammed broke the treaty by not returning Abu Basir

  • Mohammed stole the women
  • He used the conflict between two clans to initiate a perpetual war between people

    • At-Tirmidhi 871
  • It is permitted to lie in war

  • War is deceit

  • Mohammed drank water from a dirty well and said water is pure

  • A slave woman should not dress like a free woman (Muwatta Malik) (also atheism-vs-islam page)

  • Slave women have no concept of Awrah

  • See 6:153 again (forgot)

  • 4:25
  • 5:5

  • Strike those who shave the middle of their heads (monks)

  • Guarding private parts mean that men should guard theirs from entering women

  • Slave women do not have the right to guard their private parts, because that verse is for men
  • Women cannot have relations with her slaves, because that verse was for men

  • Killing anyone except those who spread mischief (which can include disbelief) is as if one's killed all of humanity (from Quran)

  • Children of slaves will be slaves of the master

  • One can sell their slaves, so they won't be freed even if the master dies
  • One can have children with slave women without marrying her

  • Mohammed said no repatriation shall be paid for her blood

    • Slave Mother
    • Jewess
  • Adulterers are to be given 100 lashes

  • Mohammed said it is better to marry a young girl than an old woman because you can play with her

  • Mohammed told a woman who freed her slave woman that it would've been better if she had sold her to her uncle (from Hadiths)

  • Mohammed told a man who freed his slave to cancel the manumission, and instead he took it from him and sold him to another man

  • Mohammed traded two black slaves to buy a Muslim slave (from Hadiths)

  • Burn the houses of those who skip prayers

  • Kill apostates
  • Kill atheists by stoning, burning them is not okay

  • Women cannot divorce men

  • Men can divorce women

  • Majority in hell are women

  • Mohammed said women are inferior in intellect and said it is provable (by a circular reasoning)
  • A woman's testimony is half as worth that of a man

  • Men could have 4 wives but women cannot have multiple husbands

  • Mohammed could have 11 wives
  • Others could not marry Mohammed's wives if he divorced them

  • He said he'll expel Jews and Christians from the Arabian peninsula

  • A woman's silence means yes

  • Jizya

  • Kill Polytheists

  • Allah will hide the sins of whoever hides the sins of other Muslims

  • When his wives objected to his being with sex slaves, he revealed a verse making it lawful

  • He said pulling out after having sex with sex slaves is fine, so that they can be sold afterwards

  • Slaves could be freed to relieve sins (which means they would be like capital)

  • Safiyya

    • Khaybar is ruined
    • Abu stood guard
  • Juwarriyah

    • Traded herself in for freedom
  • Life of Mohammed by Ibn Ishaq (Sa'ad)

  • Jews, Turks, People with Small Eyes, People who wear shoes made of hair

  • Black Dogs

  • Mohammed was like Hitler

    • Obsession with cleanliness (Hitler also used to bath a lot, to purify Germany)
    • Pictures
    • Geckos, Salamanders, Snakes
  • Reliance of the Traveler

    • Those who kill a child or insane person are not to be punished
    • Those who kill their own children or grandchildren are not to be punished
    • Those who kill their own ancestors in retaliation for killing a family member are not to be punished
  • History of al-Tabari

    • Vol 8, 39 (Safiyya)
    • Vol 9 (Fifteen wives)
  • Bells are the tools of Satan

  • Mohammed received revelations like the ringing of a bell

Lies that Muslims say

  • Killing a person is as though killing all humanity (covered in problems section)
    • Except for spreading mischief
  • Whoever hurts a Dhimmi hurts me
  • To me your way, to you yours

    • This was a Meccan verse
    • This was a plea to leave the Muslims alone
    • This was also a sign of disrespect
    • Mohammed was tolerated as someone who claims to be a divine messenger, until he insulted their history
  • We only have to fight oppressors

    • As per 9:5, the blood of disbelievers is lawful by default
    • Exceptions: Fixed-term treaties, Strategic Ceasefires, Dhimmah, Mu'ustamin
  • Acting according to weak Hadiths is fine

  • Weak Hadiths are often used in Da'wah

  • Muruna

    • Start with: Quran 2:225, 3:28, 3:54, 8:30, 9:3, 10:21, 16:106, and 66:2
    • Sahih Bukhari 3:45:687, 4:52:270, 4:52:271, 50:369, 52:269, and 84:64
    • Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 803
    • Ibn Ishaq 834, 837, 981
    • and Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol. 4 (Surat 7-10)

    These cover such topics as deceiving non-Muslims, faking friendship with non-Muslims, not keeping their word to non-Muslims, lying about their faith to non-Muslims, violating treaties with non-Muslims, tricking non-Muslims into letting their guard down and then slaughtering them, and the reputation early Muslims had for lying.

    Fatawa Islamiyah might also be a good resource. I haven't gone through those in a long time but try vols. 6 & 8.


  • Iman (Faith)
  • Taqwa (Piety)

  • 'Aql (Intellect)

  • 'Ilm (Science)
  • Uloom (Sciences)
  • Kalam (Word)
  • Mutakallim (Scholar of Theology)
  • R'ay (Sound Reasoning)
  • Qiyas (Analogical Deduction)
  • Falsafa (Philosophy)

About Sects

  • Ahl al-Bayt (People of the House) / Shi'a / Raafidis (Rejectors)
  • Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah (People of Tradition and The Majority) / Sunni

About Law

  • Daar (House)
  • Ahl (People)

  • Daar al-Islaam (House of Islaam)

  • Daar al-Harb (House of War)

  • Ahl al-Dhimma (People of Protection)

  • Ahl al-Aman (People of Temporary Protection)
  • Ahl al-'Ahd (People of Treaty)
  • Daar al-'Ahd (House of Treaty)
  • Daar al-Sulh (House of Truce)

  • Ahadat (Treaties)

  • Mu'ahada (Mutual Treaty)
  • Dhimma (Protection Treaty)
  • Mu'ustamin (Person with Temporary Protection)

  • Sabayya (Slave Women) | Sabiyya (Slave Woman)

  • Jaria (Slave Women) | Jawari (Slave Woman)

Shaybani's writings

  • Mu'ahada (Fixed Term Truce)
  • Muwaada'a (Truce)
  • 'Ahd (Contract or Pact)
  • Murawada / Hudna / Musalaha (Mutual Peace)
  • Mutaraka / Musalama (Mutual Peace)

Hanafi Jurists

  • Samarqandi
    • Muwaada'a = Sulh (Fixed Term)
  • Kasani
    • Muwaada'a = Sulh (Fixed Term)
  • Other
    • Mu'ahada = Muwaada'a / Muqadat / Aman / Isti'man / Muhawada

Hanbali Jurists

  • Muhaadana = Muwaad'a / Mu'ahada / Musalama / Isti'man / Sulh
  • Muwaad'a (Reconciliation) = Achievement of Sulh (Truce)
  • Mutaaraka (Suspension of Hostilities) = Granting Amaan to Mu'ustamin of Ahl al-Harb
  • Muhaadana (Conclusion of a Truce)
  • Musaalaha (Making of Peace)
  • Musaalama (Demand for Peaceful Agreement)
  • Muqaadaat (Taking Legal Judgement)
  • Hukm (Judgement)
  • Maslaaha (Best Interest of Muslims / Maintain Upper Hand) [Q 3:139, Q 47:35]

  • Jaria / Sabaya (Slave Women)

About Hadiths


  • Muhaddith (Hadith collector)
  • Raawee (Hadith narrator)


  • Sanad / Isnad (Chain of Transmission)
  • Taraf (Introductory Text for Context)
  • Matn (Text of Hadith)


  • Musnad (Hadiths organized by the collector)
  • Musannaf (Hadiths organized according to the Companion who narrated it)

Grading of Narrators

Grading of Hadith (Isnad and Matn)

  • Sahih / Saheeh (Strong)
  • Hasan (Good)
  • Da'if / Da'eef (Weak)
  • Mawdu (Fabricated)


Category Islam Hindu Beliefs Judaism Christianity
Holy Texts Qur'an (Hafs, Warsh, etc.) Srutis (Vedas (Nigamas), Tantras (Aagamas)), Bhagavat Geeta Torah, Talmud New Testament
Supplementary Holy Texts Sunnah (Hadiths, Seerah) Smritis (Puraanas, Ithihaasas, Veda Sutras (Shrauta Sutras, Griha Sutras, Shulba Sutras, Dharma Sutras), Upa Vedas) Nevi'im, Ketuvim Old Testament (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim)
Other Important Scholarly Texts History Books (The History of Al-Tabari), Biographies (Life of Mohammed) Nothing much (History isn't really relevant) In Sefaria Collection -
Commentaries Tafaseer Bhaashyas Mefareshim -
Commentators Mufaassirun Bhaashyakaaras Parshanim -
Law Shari'ah Dharma Halakha -
Law Books Reliance of The Traveller, Heavenly Ornaments Manu Smriti, Vishnu Smriti, other Dharma Shastras (explains Dharma Sutras) Shulchan Arukh, The Tur, Shulchan Arukh Harav, Mishneh Torah, Works of Maimonaides (Rambam) -
Schools of Belief Aqeedah Darshana Akedah / Binding of Isaac (only one) Christ (only one)
Denomination Sects (Sunni, Shi'a, Ibadi) Sampradaaya Sects (Karaite, Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, Chasidic, Yeshivish) Sects (Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses)
Schools of Jurisprudence Madhhabs - Mishnah (only one) -
Jury Sultans and Imams Kings and Ministers Kings and Sanhedrin Kings and Ministers
Prophets Nabis - Nevis Prophets
Scholars Imams, Mullahs, Mullahs, Muftis, Maulanas, Alims, Faqihs, Sheiks Sanyasis, Maharshis, Pandits, Gurus Rabbis Pope, Priests
Temples Masjids Temples Synagogues Churches
Special Temples House of Allah (Kaaba) Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple, Ayodhya Ram Temple, Guruvayoor Krishna Temple, Shasthankotta Ayyappa Temple, Mannarashala Temple, Ochira Temple, Pazhani Murukan Temple, (Vishnu Temples, Shiva Temples, Kali Temples, etc.) Temple of God -
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